
Recurrent meningitis: A rare cause

Bacterial meningitis remains an existence debilitating disease even in the present anti-toxin time; thus, any abnormality which predisposes a patient to a recurrence of this serious disease must be identi¬fied and corrected. There have been numerous reports of meningitis due to congenital malformation of the inner ear. Recurrent bouts of meningitis are regular and acknowledgment of the internal ear as the source often times comes simply after a few scenes have happened. Congenitally malformed inner ears may be a source of CSF otorhinorrhea. Two abnormal pathways must be present for any CSF leak to occur; one between the subarachnoid space and the inner ear and second between the inner ear and middle ear. e primary clinical importance of CSF leakage is the risk of meningitis. e presentation of such patients occurs in early stages of life. Authors hereby intend to present an unusual case of recurrent meningitis with common cavity malformation and ¬ fistula at stapes footplate, who presented to us at middle age. e patient was operated upon and became symptom free after the treatment

Author(s): Hitendra Prakash Singh

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