
The rare Case of Cystic Adenoid Carcinoma of the Larynx Treated by Post Operative Radiation Therapy

Adenoid cystic carcinoma (C.A.K.) is a malignant tumor most commonly developing in the main or accessory salivary glands. The most frequent sites of C.A.K are located in the salivary glands of the oral cavity, in particular in the hard palate and with less frequency in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and pharynx. The laryngeal localization of C.A.K is extremely rare. The cervical scanner is the imaging of choice for the early diagnosis of CAK of the larynx. Diagnosis is made by pathology examination of the biopsy specimen supplemented by immunohistochemistry. We report the case of a 26-years-old patient, who presented for 18 months, progressive dysphagia to solids, and then laryngeal dyspnea requiring emergency tracheotomy. Surgery followed by postoperative radiotherapy was used for treatment.


Gaël Kietga* , Dohoué Patricia Eliane Agbanglanon, Bertrand Compaore, Wilfried Mosse, Davy N’Chepo, Hanae Bakkali, Noureddine Benjaafar

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