An Overview about Lip Cancer

Christopher Greenall*

Department of Immunology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Christopher Greenall
Department of Immunology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, Email:

Received Date: October 13, 2021; Accepted Date: October 27, 2021; Published Date: November 04, 2021

Citation: Christopher Greenall (2021) An Overview about Lip Cancer. Head Neck Cancer Res. Vol.6 No.5. 37

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One type of Oral cancer is lip cancer. Lip cancer occurs on upper or lower lip. In most cases it is observed that lip cancer was occurred on lower lip. The lip cancer damages the skin of the lip. Lip Cancer begins in thin and flat cells also called as squamous cell carcinomas in middle and outer layers of the skin. The risk factors of lip cancer are tobacco usage and sun exposure. The only way to avoid lip cancer is by protecting oneself from excessive sun exposure (by using sunblock’s or other clothing items) and by quitting tobacco usage.


The symptoms of lip cancer are clearly been seen apart from other cancers. The symptoms are sore on the mouth, discolouration of the lip, slightly raised or flat lips, numbness, tingling and pain of the lips and skin around the mouth. Even-though the cause of lip cancer is explained in above paragraph but the researcher weren’t accurate about the cause. It is clearly defined as unknown cause.

The only scientist reason which can be explained is when cell mutation in the DNA changes than it leads to cancer. The DNA control or instructs the cells in human body. The changes thatwould general occur is uncontrollably cell generation and continues to live while killing the healthy cell. The accumulating cells form a tumour that can invade and destroy normal body tissue. So, the factor which leads to lip cancer are Tobacco (cigarettes), cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, Fair skin, Excessive sun exposure to your lips and weakened immune system

Quit tobacco or don't start smoking. Dangerous cancer causing chemicals will develop in the body by chewing, smoking or begin exposed to tobacco which causes cancer cells on the lip. Sun emits high amount of radio-active cells. So, sun exposure is also a reason for developing cancer on skin of the lips and also causes lip cancer. To avoid cancer due to sun exposure, use SPF at-least 30 sun screams. People in USA and other foreign countries usual tan themselves by resting their body on tanning beds. Tanning beds emits high amount of UV- radiation which causes cancer cell development in the body. So, avoid using tanning beds to avoid cancer cell development.

Treatment for lip cancer usually involves surgery to remove the cancer. For small lip cancers, surgery may be a minor procedure with minimal impact on your appearance. For larger lip cancers, more extensive surgery may be necessary. Careful planning
and reconstruction can preserve your ability to eat and speak normally, and also achieve a satisfactory appearance after surgery.

Tests and procedures used to diagnose lip cancer

Tests and procedures used to diagnose lip cancer

Physical exam

During a physical exam, your doctor will examine your lip, mouth, face and neck to look for signs of cancer. Your doctor will ask you about your signs and symptoms.

Removing a sample of tissue for testing

During a biopsy, your doctor will remove a small sample of tissue for laboratory testing. In the laboratory, a doctor who analyses body tissue (pathologist) can determine whether cancer is present, the type of cancer and the level of aggressiveness that's present in the cancer cells.

Imaging tests: Imaging tests may be used to determine whether cancer has spread beyond the lip. Imaging tests may include computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron emission tomography (PET).

Lip Cancer Treatments


Surgery is used to remove the lip cancer and a margin of healthy tissue that surrounds it. The surgeon then repairs the lip to allow for normal eating, drinking and speaking. Techniques to reduce scarring also are used.

For small lip cancers, repairing the lip after surgery may be a simple procedure. But for larger lip cancers, skilled plastic and reconstructive surgeons may be needed to repair the lip. Reconstructive surgery may involve moving tissue and skin to the face from another part of the body. Surgery for lip cancer may also involve removing cancerous lymph nodes in the neck.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses powerful energy beams, such as X-rays and protons, to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy for lip cancer may be used on its own or it may be used after surgery. The radiation may be aimed only at your lip, or it may also be aimed at the lymph nodes in your neck. Radiation therapy for lip cancer most often comes from a large machine that precisely focuses the energy beams. But in some cases, the radiation can be placed directly on your lip and left in place for a short time. This procedure, called brachytherapy, allows doctors to use higher doses of radiation.


Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. For lip cancer, chemotherapy is sometimes used in combination with radiation therapy to increase the effectiveness of treatment. In cases of advanced lip cancer that has spread to other areas of the body, chemotherapy may be used to reduce signs and symptoms and make you more comfortable.

Targeted drug therapy

Targeted drug treatments focus on specific weaknesses present within cancer cells. By blocking these weaknesses, targeted drug treatments can cause cancer cells to die. Targeted drug therapy is usually combined with chemotherapy.


Immunotherapy treatment will improve the immune system of patient to fight cancer. Usually patients who fight cancer have weak immune system which might not help them to attack the fast growing cancer cell in the patient’s body. So immunotherapy is used to build up immune system and also immunotherapy is advanced and when other treatments are not an option.







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