Bhagya Lakshmi P P K

Published Date: 2020-11-30


Student at Vignan’s University, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

*Corresponding Author: Bhagya Lakshmi PPK, Student at Vignan’s University, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, tel: +91 7702224418; E-mail:

Received date: November 05 2020; Accepted date:November 21 2020; Published date:November 28 2020

Citation: Bhagya L P PK (2020) Salivary gland Cancer. Head Neck Cancer Res. Vol.5 No.4.

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Salivary gland cancer is the rare type of malignant cancer cells formed in the tissue of salivary gland. This type of cancer is general occurred to people at the age of 55 and above. The main reason for cause of salivary gland cancer is due to the exposure to radiation.


If a person is diseased with salivary gland cancer, the reason would be the patient might have undergone radiation therapy in the region of head and neck or the patient might have practically exposed to radiation unknowingly. This theory of exposure to radiation cause salivary gland is an exemption. The actual reason is unknown.

Salivary gland functioning is to produce salvia and release it into the mouth. The salvia has enzymes that helps in food digestion and protects the area of mouth and throat from infection

The signs of Salivary gland Cancer are: a Lump or trouble swallowing.

• A lump occurs (usually painless) in the area of the ear, cheek, jaw, lip, or inside the mouth.

• Fluid draining from the ear.

• Trouble swallowing or opening the mouth widely.

• Numbness or weakness in the face.

• Pain in the face that does not go away.

Survival Rate

The survival rate for salivary gland cancer varies depending upon the type of tumor and place it is located

1. If the tumor is located in different place of head and neck are then the Survival rates for salivary gland cancer is 71% if the person is affected for 5 years.

2. If the cancer is located in salivary gland then the survival rate is 94% (if the person is affected for 5 years)

Cancer cell spreads to other body parts

Generally the cancer cells travel through blood in form of blood vessels and reach to other parts of the body. In case of salivary gland cancer there are chances for spreading of cancer. In most cases the cancer of salivary gland has been spread to the skull (metastatic tumor).


Remove the tumor from the affected region; undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The treatment for the salivary gland cancer varies according to the tumor stages. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy will take time i.e.., the patient need to visit hospital regularly, most probably once a month or once for very three months (if the tumor is been removed at its early stage).

If in-case the cancer cells has been spread to the other body parts the patient needs to be hospitalized completely until full recovery of patients cause there are chances the tumor might grow again.

Prevention of salivary gland cancer

Since the actual reason for salivary gland cancer is unknown, the only way the doctors can say to prevent salivary gland cancer is not to consume tobacco, excess alcohol (the high risk factors to cancer).


Salivary gland cancer is the most rare and dangerous cancer because the treatment results for the salivary gland cancer haven’t shown positive in survival rates. The reason is the cancer has been spread to other parts of the body before even it is known. The best way to prevent salivary gland cancer is to stay in hygiene environment and to avoid food and other risk factor to grow tumor cells in your body.

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