
How to Treat Sweat Gland Adenocarcinoma of the Eyelid: Case Report

Background: It is thought that apocrine gland carcinoma in the eyelid is rare and its prognosis is very poor. To achieve a curative treatment, we must remove the tumour with surrounding normal tissue, such as orbital contents or the skin of the face, in which case the loss of physiologic lacrimal function and facial cosmesis are serious concerns.

Methods: A case presentation, treatment, and review of the literature and discussed.

Results: Patient was a 54-year-old male. The tumour at the right inferior eyelid extended to the upper eyelid via the medial can thus, infraorbital fat tissue and medial rectus muscle. We performed a curative operation. The tumor was removed completely, along with the medial side of the eyelids, orbital contents and the right maxillary bone.

Conclusions: We performed the treatment for adenocarcinoma of the eyelid. As a result, we could obtain patient’s and his families’ satisfaction.


Hiroyuki Maeda

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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